What Is the Old Age Pension in Germany?
The old-age pension is a monthly benefit paid to individuals who have reached the statutory retirement age and meet the contribution requirements. It is funded through contributions from employers, employees, and self-employed individuals, as well as federal subsidies.
Key Features of the German Pension System
Three Pillars of Retirement Security:
- Statutory Pension Insurance: Mandatory for most employees.
- Occupational Pension Plans: Offered by employers as an additional benefit.
- Private Retirement Savings: Voluntary savings such as Riester or Rürup pensions.
Pay-as-You-Go System:
- Current workers’ contributions finance the pensions of current retirees.
- Current workers’ contributions finance the pensions of current retirees.
- The amount of your pension depends on the length and amount of your contributions during your working life.
Eligibility for Old Age Pension
To qualify for the old-age pension in Germany, you must meet the following criteria:
Reaching Retirement Age:
- The statutory retirement age is gradually increasing to 67 years by 2031, depending on your birth year.
- Early retirement is possible from 63 years, but with deductions.
Minimum Contribution Period:
- You must have contributed to the pension system for at least 5 years.
- You must have contributed to the pension system for at least 5 years.
Residence and Contributions:
- Contributions can be made while working in Germany or other EU countries due to agreements.
How Is the Pension Amount Calculated?
The monthly pension payment is determined by:
Earning Points (Entgeltpunkte):
- You earn points based on your annual income compared to the national average income.
- If you earn the average income in a given year, you receive 1 earning point.
- Higher or lower incomes yield proportionally more or fewer points.
Pension Value (Rentenwert):
- This is the monetary value of one earning point. As of 2025, it changes annually and is adjusted for inflation.
Pension Formula:
Pension Amount = Earning Points × Pension Value × Retirement Factor × Access Factor
- Deductions for early retirement.
- Bonuses for deferred retirement (working beyond statutory age).
Types of Old Age Pension
Standard Old Age Pension:
- For individuals who have reached the statutory retirement age.
- For individuals who have reached the statutory retirement age.
Pension for Long-Term Insured:
- Available at age 63 for those with at least 35 years of contributions.
- Available at age 63 for those with at least 35 years of contributions.
Pension for Severely Disabled Persons:
- Available earlier (from 60–62 years), with specific requirements for disabilities.
- Available earlier (from 60–62 years), with specific requirements for disabilities.
Pension for Very Long-Term Insured:
- Available at 63 for those with 45 years of contributions.
How to Apply for Old Age Pension
Gather Required Documents:
- Personal identification (passport, residency permit).
- Proof of contributions (e.g., employment records, insurance number).
Submit the Application:
- Applications can be submitted up to 3 months before retirement age.
- Apply through the Deutsche Rentenversicherung (German Pension Insurance).
- You can apply through us or you can contact us for further information.
- Once your application is processed, you will receive a pension approval notice with the payment details.
Taxation and Contributions in Retirement
- Pensions are subject to income tax in Germany. The taxable portion depends on the year you started receiving the pension.
- Health and nursing care insurance premiums are deducted directly from your pension payments.
International Aspects
EU and EEA Countries:
- Contributions made in EU/EEA countries count towards your German pension eligibility due to reciprocal agreements.
- Contributions made in EU/EEA countries count towards your German pension eligibility due to reciprocal agreements.
Non-EU Countries:
- Germany has agreements with some non-EU countries (e.g., USA, Canada) to ensure pension portability.
- Germany has agreements with some non-EU countries (e.g., USA, Canada) to ensure pension portability.
Pension Refund:
- Non-EU citizens who leave Germany permanently and do not meet the 5-year contribution requirement may apply for a pension refund.